jeudi 16 avril 2015

Nicholas Romanov exhibition in the art restaurant "oil on canvas"

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Nicholas Romanov exhibition in the art restaurant "oil on canvas"

Original taken from lj user "leningradartist" in Arka Gallery presents new works by Nicholas Romanov in the art restaurant "oil on canvas"

NA Romanov. On chernogoriyskom coast. 2013

September 10, at 18 o'clock in the art restaurant "oil on canvas" (Bolshaya Morskaya Str., Building 4) St. Petersburg gallery "ARKA" opens a new exhibition of works by the famous painter Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov. The exhibition will feature works by the artist this year, mainly under the influence of visiting Montenegro. A graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, the disciple of E. Moiseenko, Nicholas Romanov is able, according to Eugene Logvinova, director of "ARCH" and an expert artist, organize space in the sign and tends to push the space beyond the canvas. The artist invites the viewer to participate in the creation of this kind of "metapeyzazha", bringing spectacular text to a new level, where "branch of our thoughts and our dreams" (M. Pavic). It is only necessary to solve the rules of the game ...

N. Romanov. Evening bliss chernogoriyskogo landscape. 2013

According to E. Logvinova, Nicholas Romanov - a perfectionist (in the best sense of the word) in all that relates to creativity. This is clearly evident in his aspiration to constantly improve its method. If we try to analyze the accumulated more than 20 years of material that can be divided into periods when change the color temperature of the landscapes from warm to colder, when he began to dominate the bright blue color, and when - pink, when the air in his paintings suddenly started literally "ringing", losing the usual density. In some of these periods the artist almost every story brings a deep meaning, formalizing the way up to the mark, and at other times - paid his landscapes in pure abstraction. Inspiration constantly encouraged him to experiment with the Imprimatur, he invented new techniques, "breakthrough" in another space plane using a palette knife and colorful of leaked. And at the same time, all the creative heritage of Nicholas Romanov looks remarkably intact, his unique author, united manner and devotion to landscape painting.

Of course, Nicholas Romanov known secrets of building space on the canvas, but in their endless search for subtle color relationships he continues to open more and more depth, as evidenced by the new wizard. This means that fans of his work will meet with new talented works of this remarkable painter in St. Petersburg!

N. Romanov. The chicks have grown. 2013

N. Romanov. The road to the sea. 2013

N. Romanov. Stone plume sea foam. 2013

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