In humanitarian lexicon the word "province" responds aching sadness. It ''s hard to describe, it is impossible to measure, you can not feel ", and meanwhile province" still unmistakable -by neizgonyaemomu spirit of Russian literature at levitanovskoy charms of landscapes, surviving on his last legs, and always full of theaters, miraculously preserved by libraries and lovingly cherished museum. According shy pride provincials by the fact that life in it continues its quiet stoic as usual.
Gen. provincial Russia in pictures Boris Kustodiev (late 19th-early 20veka).

KUSTODIEV Boris - Province. 1919

KUSTODIEV Boris - The old Suzdal

KUSTODIEV Boris - Summer landscape

KUSTODIEV Boris - Festivities on the Volga

KUSTODIEV Boris - Blue house

KUSTODIEV Boris - On the Volga. 1922

KUSTODIEV Boris - The terrace

KUSTODIEV Boris - Fair. 1906

KUSTODIEV Boris - Russian Venera
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