(17 (28) in March 1743, according to other sources, 1744, Saint Petersburg - 4 (16) January 1810, Moscow), nee Vorontsov, in marriage Princess Dashkova.

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She was born March 17, 1743 in a family of Moscow boyars Vorontsov. Surname high, rich and caressed by the authorities. Alas, all this did not prevent Katya from trouble: she was barely two years old when my mother died. Father, who was called for the eyes "Roman - large pocket" was too busy with chores, and sheltered girl's uncle - Mikhail Kutuzov Vorontsov, who served as Chancellor of the Empress Elizabeth. His palace of the great architect Rastrelli in the center of Moscow became Katya home. Bearing in mind that in a few decades Ekaterina Romanova create and lead the Russian Academy of Sciences, decided to write that as a child she received an excellent education. In fact, the then education of girls even high society was limited to handicrafts yes dancing. Only through his own enormous desire for knowledge young Vorontsov to 14 years perfectly mastered four languages and read Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot, in the original, of course. The influence of the famous French philosopher was so great that the Russian girl Katya wanted to not let the bridegroom dowry, but about translating ideas of the Enlightenment in your country.
love two
However, for good or for evil, Cupid - the wayward boy and asks whether you want love or you have other plans for the future. One evening, 15-year-old Catherine Vorontsov was returning from the guests and accidentally encountered on the street with a high handsome prince Dashkov.

Tags of the arrow in the heart of a romantic mood ladies, and now she is married, is nursing her son Misha and daughter Nastya, keeps house.

Alas, the exemption from amorous charms not long in coming: Dashkov only superficially impression hero, for which, like a stone wall. Squandered a generic state, he married the niece of a powerful Vorontsov personal gain, but not at the call of love. However, by that time, as Catherine realized the bitter truth, it is already mired in a very different passion ...

Antropov AP Portrait of Catherine II in 1766
In the house of my uncle, she met and became friends with the wife of the heir to the Russian throne of Peter III German princess Sophia Frederica, received the baptismal name of Catherine. That being older and his overbearing Russian namesake, so possessed her soul that has involved in a coup, as it did with all the "right" people who meet on the way. As a result, in 1762, Sophia became Catherine II. If she demanded, the 18-year-old son of Princess Dashkova noble family, not only would become a conspirator, but also from the bridge would fold without asking why. Selfless service to the monarch of the Enlightenment demanded favorite books Katya, devotion to high ideals of friendship longed for her passionate heart.

Again, she did not notice the obvious: the Empress, using intelligent, energetic, faithful Dashkov, preferred citation surrounded by male favorites. Not a word of thanks, no more so the state has not received the rank of Princess and sorrow left the royal court.
Broken life ...
No wonder people say: "It's the problem - it pours." First son Michael died. Dashkov, the former heavily pregnant, was stricken with paralysis. Where she took forces to give birth, only God knows. Newborn baby boy, named after the son of Catherine the Great Paul, almost lost his mother, he immediately lost his father during the campaign in Poland, Prince suddenly died of a fever. In twenty years, Catherine became a widow inherited from dissolute hubby only huge debts so ruined estate near Moscow. She had to pay the creditors, not only inherited from the mother's jewelry, but even the silverware. It seemed to come only poverty and oblivion. But such was not Catherine Low to weep and wait for the mercy of fate.

She eagerly took up the case and establish a life in the mansion. And in 1769, went to France in order to realize a childhood dream - to meet the great educator personally, but at the same time give a European education son. Typically Parisian celebrities flocked to look at some exotic beauty, the same Russian princess furor erudition and intelligence.
However, it is to Voltaire Has gone and she was disappointed: it seemed more a philosopher employment, together, rather than high thoughts. Ekaterina Romanova itself, though not yet crossed the 30-year mark, looked at forty-something. Adversity and frustration hunched before a slender waist, early wrinkles ran from deep-set, melancholy eyes. Dashkova not even trying to be attractive, forever burying hopes to arrange a personal life.
"The Iron Lady" in Russian
When the princess returned home, in front of it was unheard of until now in Russia glory "philosopher in a skirt." And pragmatic Catherine the Great once again decided to use Catherine Minor, and perhaps felt the need to renew old friendships. Whatever it was in life Dashkovoj was an event of historic significance - she was appointed director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Strictly speaking, And this organization at that time existed only as speculative ideas, and Ekaterina Romanova not just take an important position, and became the creator of the Academy.

It controlled everything from before: the eye to keep an architect, to build for the Academy building on the banks of the Neva River - the most famous Giacomo Quarenghi. What is there to speak about ordinary masons: Catherine Little, sleeves rolled up, taught them to build a wall! However, she had time to go and see the native name, which composed music, wrote treatises and ... personally fed cows.
"If you want to get good, do it myself!" - That was her motto. She even allowed herself to even voice self-assured woman to correct the priest during a church service! Iron character to bear fruit in the field of state: the Academy was a success, a professor received enviable salary, the best students were sent for training in Europe. In 1783, at the initiative of Dashkovoj established a new institution - the Russian Academy that deal with Russian language. Number one priority was the creation of the first in our country of a glossary, and only thanks to the organization and dedication Princess it happened in record time - six years. She personally made the article on the letter "C", "W" and "u" and suggested instead the two letters "io" use one "e".

In cases of domestic same brilliant business acumen Dashkovoj more like despotism, which is so condemned her favorite educators. His constant supervision of the character she suppressed her son Paul so that he turned into a worthless alcoholic. Well-educated, he could, given the position of the mother, a high position, but the will was weak, to give orders to others could not, and did not want to. The first and last of his attempt to escape from under the wing of the ruling mama was his secret wedding with her daughter is not the clerk, not answer the merchant. Ekaterina Romanova did not specify - it was beneath her. Mesalliance son of disgraced prince Vorontsov-Dashkovs family, and she was afraid to appear in the light. A few days crying, then befallen fever nerves. The fate of the daughter Anastasia is also not pleased: public scandals with her husband, huge debts, in the end - police surveillance and removal of wills mother. "Iron lady" Dashkova banned shiftless daughter to approach it, even after the death of the coffin. Increasingly, she contemplated suicide ...
In a village in the wilderness ...
Catherine the Great died, and Catherine Little was left completely alone, without the support and the support. Came to the throne Paul I hated the deceased mama, and all that was connected with it, to the depths. According to him strict orders from Moscow Governor-General personally appeared in the bedchamber Dashkovoj and rattling arms menacingly declared, "The Emperor has ordered you to leave Moscow, go to the village and there remember in 1762!" Broken diseases and sorrows Ekaterina Romanova was forced to eke out their existence in a simple peasant hut, packed and fumes, but it only strengthened her will. Thoughts about leaving this mortal world are gone, she felt the heroine of a novel by Voltaire, unfairly hurt and suffering in exile. When the power in Russia again changed, and Alexander I called the princess to the court, she flatly refused until his death in 1810 did not go out of the estate.

"In conclusion, I can say with a clear conscience that made everything good, what was in my power, and no one ever did evil. I took revenge on oblivion and contempt for injustice, intrigue and slander against me. I have done my duty to the best of understanding. With his pure heart and honest intentions, I made a lot of searing grief that due to my excessive sensitivity would drive me to the grave, if I did not support my conscience, to testify about the purity of my life. I have no fear and anxiety, fearlessly and calmly look into the eyes of approaching death. "
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