I warn you sooo much bukovok.
But goodness, too much!

Ginger and tangerine basket
Ginger (Ginger) - red (th)
It was Christmas Eve. A time when millions of people, despite the cold and frost, feel particularly magical.
This is a time when children and even adults are beginning to believe in the most real miracles. This is the time when the most cherished dreams come true when the heart beats a little faster in anticipation of something entirely new, something special, and this is the time when it is very cold outside, but warm at heart, from which I want to sing, dance and have fun.
Oh, it's Christmas!
On the outskirts of a small town, in an old, but very cozy house, lived was a little girl named Ginger with her beloved grandmother Sophia.
Ginger had no parents, they died when she was a year old.
But it is well to remember them, because thanks to his mother, a legacy she got wonderful red hair that came down almost to the very heels, and from the Pope - bright big green eyes that seemed to see only the good in everything, and so on the face she always shone sweet and sincere smile.

But it is said: "It would not have been a good man good looks - you never know what's inside." But the soul of Ginger was very bright, kind and sympathetic, for they loved and knew her all the people of this small town.
Just like all children (and Ginger was only 7 years old), she had a dream. More than anything, she dreamed that she and her grandmother was the most real Christmas with sweets on the table near the fireplace socks and elegant Christmas tree in the house.
But most of all, she wanted to try tangerines, because they seemed to her the most magical, the most real and most delicious Christmas Day. But because they had no money, my grandmother could not afford to buy a little sweet on holiday, not to mention the Mandarin, which was a luxury even for the richest persons.

So, Ginger decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and ask him about how to have this Christmas with my grandmother was the best: on the table they were sweets, burning in the house multi-colored lights, and lay on the windowsill fragrant tangerines.
Write a letter, she went to the nearest post office, but on the way she noticed that the house of their neighbors was discovered open. She went inside and asked if there was anyone. On the threshold of ran a little boy named John. He said that his mother went with my dad to the forest for the Christmas tree, and he was alone.
Without hesitation, Ginger decided to sit down with your child and wait for his parents. At first they played in his toys, then pencils to draw, and then sat down by the window and watched as the sky, slowly, as if dancing, falling snowflakes.
So after sitting a little, John asked:
- Ginger, tell me, what is a snowflake, my mom says it's usual frozen water, but I do not think so, because snowflakes any special, right? - Asked the kid, pointing to the window with her little finger

- Oh ya! Of Course! - Exclaimed Ginger - Oh, these adults! They never learn to think like children, they do not even know what a snowflake. But I tell you, well, John ?! - Ginger smiled brightly - Actually snowflakes - a little white stars with the magical taste of Christmas!
No, you just imagine them doing very real angels! They even compete to see who will snowflake most beautiful and gentle. That's the only reason they are completely different, and you will never find two identical. And if you find, then you can think of, looking at them, his fondest wish, and then it must necessarily be granted.
And after the snowflakes are ready, the angels put them in a large bag, and then when it comes to winter, they poured them into the city to people looking for their flight, they were glad and felt the approach of a miracle.
- Yes Yes! I thought so - happily John jumped up and began to circle the room, then he ran to the girl grabbed her hand and together they circled in a merry dance, like snowflakes, whirling in the cold winter air.
Soon the room mom came John, Ginger, she thanked for their help and told his son to start decorating just brought a Christmas tree.
- Mrs. Lily, perhaps I will help John and together we decorate it? - Asked Ginger
- What are you! You and so many for us to do, go home, because very soon there will be Christmas!
Here Ginger remembered his letter and the fact that you need as soon as possible send it to Santa, it really is up to Christmas were a matter of hours, and she wanted to just this day was special for her and present.

But after running a few meters in a cold, it fizzled out, and bent his hands dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. At this time, from somewhere came a voice:
- Dzhidzhrer! Ginger! - Repeated the voice and the girl turned around. On the threshold of the house stood a young man, a gesture he showed the girl to come closer.
- Ah, Mr. Tom, Hello! - Entering the house, the girl greeted with yet another to their friends, she squeezed his hand and smiled sweetly
- Why are not you at home? - Asked her boyfriend, inviting to come into the room where his children having fun and dressed up Christmas tree
- Because I have something cares - businesslike, but somehow childish girl said, what Mr. Tom laughed:
- Well, if you have a really important things, I do not dare to distract you! I just wanted you to help me with fireworks, you need to install them around the house. I thought you could help me. The fact that my wife is only in the evening, and these blockheads I'm even afraid to ask for any help. - Tom frowned, seeing as his two twin boys who were only 4 years old, began bandaging each other in garlands.
- No, you! You niskolechko me not detract from my cases - the girl shook her head, causing her red curls started jumping like a spring. - I'm happy to help you. - Ginger said, and they, along with Mr. Tom went into the yard.

When the fireworks have already been installed, the girl said goodbye to Mr. Tom again and ran on, the nearest post office. But in less than two minutes later, she was again called out. This time it was the old grandmother, who knew Dzhndzher since her birth, she asked her to help her put the star on the Christmas tree, and then hang socks by the fireplace.
After that, Ginger also went to Mr. Phillippe and helped him and his family to clear the yard by the attacker snow. Then she visited her aunt Gray and helped her to her original Christmas baking casseroles. And then visited the family of the Stuarts, and sat with their five children while their parents went to the store to buy more gifts remaining. So when it came out of the Stuarts on the street is dark.
"That can not be, passed the whole day, probably a grandmother terribly for me going through" - thought Ginger and already wanted to go home, as the newly remembered his wish and how their Christmas table will stand sweets, and most importantly, very real fragrant mandarins that she will try for the first time in his life.

With these thoughts, the girl still squeezed in their palms letter and mustered forces moved on. But as she walked to the post office, strong wind arose, even more blizzard, snow began to fall harder, getting tangled in her hair, her face a cold wind blew, but slightly narrowed eyes, she continued to go.
And then, accidentally stumbled, she fell and dropped his envelope, and when he raised his already gone, and indeed in such a blizzard was not possible to even see your feet is not what would be an envelope. Ginger still rushed to find him, but in vain.
Came home she was when twilight and the first stars in the sky, when millions of people have already started to celebrate the holiday. And she was standing on his doorstep, all sweaty, cold and miserable. Her red curls were terribly confused, all her clothing was wet, the whole body trembled, and the icy cheeks warm running small trickle of tears.
- Grandma, we will not have Christmas! - Ginger said, sobbing. - I ... I ... it's all my fault, I lost my letter! Now Santa will never know about my desire, and we will not have this Christmas, ask me Grandma! - Ginger said and began to cry again
- Well, that's you! Sweetheart! - My grandmother said, smiling affectionately granddaughter - Do not cry, because if it was your true desire, Santa necessarily know about it, it is no wonder they say: "If you want something, something really dream with all my heart, the whole world will realize your wish! ", so do not worry, darling! - Grandma gently hugged her granddaughter - Razuvaev and sit down at the table. While you were away, we came to a lot of guests, they are all very grateful to you for help and everyone brought us sweets, so Christmas is you wanted to still take place.
When Ginger calmed down a bit and sat down at the table, she saw that and actually was a table full of sweets, cakes and sweets, there was a mandarin, which she wanted most.
At night before you go to bed, she looked out the window. Blizzard has subsided, and in the sky again spun in a merry dance little snowflakes. Ginger long peered into their wonderful flight, until her eyes had not started to close.
So, she quietly came to his bed, lay down, covered herself with a warm blanket and closed his eyes again, as every winter night, imagine how one day she will try to Mandarin. He will be the school as the most beautiful flower nectar, so red as her curls, so fragrant, like grandma's sugar muffins, and so good that the taste is certainly never forget. With a smile on his face Ginger fell asleep and woke up in the morning only from the fact that its someone called.
- Ginger! Dzhindrer! - Heard a girl's voice grandmother and jumped out of bed. - Look, it seems to us tonight Santa came, it left something to you under the tree. - My grandmother said, and smiled tousled redhead girl who stood in the doorway, not daring to come closer to the present.

Her green eyes leaping flames alive happiness, on the pale cheeks blush appeared, her whole face lights up nice smile, because under the tree lay basket full most of these, orange, juicy and fragrant mandarins such that their smell, it seems could feel everything, even those who read the whole story, because now they too will begin to believe in miracles!
Anya Anichkina
Artist - Morgan Weistling
Music: Soundtrack of HF Three Wishes for Cinderella
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